If the word ‘accountant’ conjures up notions of suit-wearing, number-crunching mathematicians who can’t hold a decent conversation and are only useful around tax time, then we are going to be a shock to your system!
Have you ever thought that an accountant could help you:
- Grow your business?
- Grow and retain your client base?
- Identify new business opportunities?
Probably not, and we don’t blame you. Because most accountants, can’t.
But we can, and we do.
We’re more than your accountants.
We’re more than accountants – we’re accountancy experts. We will guide you with your business growth, we all as advise you on tax strategies to maximise your income and profits.
And while not much in life is risk-free, we are! All of our work is based on a fixed fee that is quoted in advance. We thrive on deadlines and promise to deliver – if we don’t, you won’t have to pay a thing! In fact, we’ll pay YOU for the inconvenience. And if our work doesn’t meet your expectations, you decide the fee.
Not convinced yet?
We also offer:
- Monthly payment plans to help you manage your cash flow, and
- Unlimited support via phone, e-mail, or face-to-face meetings (subject to our fair-use policy) and valued at up to $2,000 a year
- Access to unique tools to grow your business, including guides and templates that cover everything from recruitment through to marketing and beyond! (worth $6,000 a year!).
As well as all of this, we also offer you a FREE business analysis! We will provide you with a comprehensive analysis of your business to immediately identify opportunities for growth and return.
Not quite what you expected from an accountant? Didn’t think so!
Talk to us today and find out why we are so much more than accountants. Together, we can help your business reach its potential!