Working rights as a business owner
Overworking yourself is a given when you have your own trade business. You may feel like the workload never ends. BUT every business owner, no matter how busy, deserves adequate working rights and rest!
Just because you are a business owner doesn’t mean you should work 7 days a week with little breaks and working rights.
Being an employee guarantees you at least 2 days of rest during the week and adequate working rights. That all seems to disappear as soon as you decide to start your own trade business.
A Chief Financial Officer
So how can you change this? Hire a CFO!
A Chief Financial Officer is not only tasked with managing the financial side of things, but they are also there to help advise you on plenty of different strategies and practices. These practices are there to make life easier for you.
You may be asking yourself, why would I hire a CFO when I can do it all myself?
But why would you want to do it all by yourself is the question I ask you. Including rest and downtime into your busy schedule is extremely important! but not the easiest thing to incorporate.
Life shouldn’t revolve around working 24/7, instead should be spent working set hours during the work week, allowing you time to rest and spend time with the ones you love.
A CFO will help you achieve and maintain this without sacrificing your productivity and profit margin. In fact, getting rid of the overworking culture will increase productivity and your overall profit margin.
You and your employees will feel more motivated to work and become more focused during the hours you dedicate to working.
Every worker including yourself deserves rest and appropriate working rights. Work should never feel like it is completely consuming all of your time that there is no time left for the other important aspects of your life.
Hiring a CFO to assess your workload and working environment is the best way to make the appropriate and necessary changes leading to positive and beneficial internal development.
An outside perspective is often the best course of action as they have no bias or emotion attached to the business
If you want to get your weekends and evenings back while also increasing productivity and your profit margin, then hiring an CFO is the first place you should start. You won’t regret it.
I thought it would only be fitting to incorporate some of our other helpful blog posts that will set you on the right path to growing your small business and also the benefits of hiring a CFO and what this means for your business.